Sunday, January 15, 2012


Has it really been over a year since I have written anything? Well, I guess I did have a new baby to grapple with. Between maternity wear and the random things that a baby needs, I guess that it just didn't make sense to keep this up in that time. But now, my body has settled into its new form and the baby thing is more or less controlled chaos. Time to get back into things and see if I can get a handle on all of this 'stuff' again. I've been reading ZenHabits and it's been helping me to try to wrap my mind around getting by with less... although I'm not really sure I'm doing the greatest job, what with the new sloew of baby toys and things lying around here. But at the very least, I personally have been able to get rid of a bunch of clothing that I wasn't using. I got rid of a bunch of work out clothes. Because... realistically, I do not work out. I will buy some when I need them. I have not needed them yet! I also got rid of a bunch of pajamas. I simply had too many, more than I needed, and I got rid of a bunch of older cotton t shirts and tank tops. I still have too many, but I'm working on it. I got rid of a bunch of T shirts with sentimental value - things like T shirts with with my high school or college on them. T shirts I do not enjoy wearing. Actually, I do not wear T shirts, period. I also got rid of some T shirts I'd bought while traveling, from Paris, China, Hawaii, that I likewise did not enjoy wearing. My closet is looking much roomier than it has before, and I'm re-organizing it. Now... shoes! I had a big purge about a year and a half ago, and I still have many shoes that I do not wear. However, I can't bear to get rid of gorgeous shoes, even if I do not wear them. I'll think about that some more before I delve into it again. Always there is more I could get rid of, I'm working on it, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. I bought 4 pieces recently and got rid of 8! So, I think that's a great sign.